On 8 December Rev Wendy White will lead worship
at Avenue St Andrew’s at 10.30am.
This and previous services can be found at the church YouTube site here.
Mr Chris Noyce will lead worship
at Isaac Watts Memorial at 10.30am.
On 8 December Rev Wendy White will lead worship
at Avenue St Andrew’s at 10.30am.
This and previous services can be found at the church YouTube site here.
Mr Chris Noyce will lead worship
at Isaac Watts Memorial at 10.30am.
We hold our monthly Coffee and Cake sessions from 10.30am to noon in The Concourse. Cafetiere coffees, teas and cold drinks are served and a trolley of homemade cakes is wheeled round for customers to make their selection. Donations for Church funds (and occasional charities) are collected as people leave. The dates (mostly the final Saturday of each month) are advertised beforehand by poster.
Come and meet friends from the church and the local community. All are welcome.
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Inspiration in Your Inbox
Every day of the year, early each morning, the URC sends out, by email, a Daily Devotion consisting of a reading, reflection and short prayer. You can read them on your computer, phone, or tablet and they provide inspiration in your inbox! The Devotions are written by a team of over 90 people from a range of perspectives and places within the URC. If you would like to receive them you can sign up by going to http://tinyurl.com/URCDailyDevotions and filling in the form.
Bible Verse for the day (NRSV):