Author visit to the Archive Group December 2019

Peter Jones, author of The Stormy Blast, met with the Avenue
St Andrew’s Archive Group in December

Peter Jones’ book tells the story of 5 members of King
Edward VI School, Southampton during the First World
War. The book’s title was taken from a poem by Isaac
Watts,  Our God, Our Help in Ages Past:

Our God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home.

One of the aims of the Avenue 2020 project is to provide
an ‘enjoyable experience for those seeking to uncover
the legacies’ of Avenue St Andrew’s. The Archive Group
at Avenue St Andrew’s were able to tell Peter about the
Avenue 2020 project, show him the church wall
memorial, and share their research and information from
the church archive.

Peter was kind enough to donate several copies of The
Stormy Blast to the volunteers of the group.

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